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The Clinton County Women's Center
Hilton Safe House

"The Clinton County Women’s Center is a private, non-profit corporation comprised of dedicated staff and volunteers.

We believe that all people have the right to a life free from the fear of violence. We further believe in the resiliency of the human spirit and the ability of individuals to control their own lives.

We provide quality services and community collaboration to promote safety and freedom from domestic and sexual violence by empowering individuals to define their own lives.


The painting pictured on the left is titled, "ascension". It was inspired by the time Jessica Williams spent volunteering at The Woman's Center. Prints of "ascension" were sold and the original painting was raffled to raise funds for The CCWC. 10% of any artwork featuring "ascension" sold will be continued to be donated to CCWC yearly.

The CCWC does valuable work in Clinton County, PA advocating for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence in their community.

Please visit their website and consider volunteering or donating today.



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